Pontevedra Province
Weather for the Following Location: Provincia de Pontevedra mapa, España


One day this section will be filled with all the poems I've written - and that no one has ever read.

But until then, here’s some practical info about me:
I studied psychology but soon moved over to advertising as a copywriter. I’m currently leading Dentsu Creative in Amsterdam. 

In my backpack I carry 15+ years experience in Spain, the US, Italy and the Netherlands; Relentless optimism, trust in my intuition, empathy and imagination; A deep respect for my team; Humility learnt from growing up with fishermen and farmers; A love for ideas, craft, poetry and deserts; Loyalty to my principles and, as we say in spanish, ‘I have no hairs on my tongue’. 
You can check out where I’ve worked here︎.
I've also won some awards at Cannes Lions, D&AD, LIA, CLIO, Addy's, Eurobest, FWA, etc.

And to be honest, I have always found that 'selling myself' is the toughest part of my job. I would much preffer to tell you why Galicia is the promised land.

double dare ya

🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆     🏆

Eurobest & Cannes Lions wins

Adobe x Bowie - Eurobest - Digital Craft - Grand Prix
Snelweg Sprookjes - Eurobest - Creative Data - Grand Prix
Snelweg Sprookjes - Eurobest - Entertainment - Grand Prix
Snelweg Sprookjes - Eurobest - Mobile - Gold
Snelweg Sprookjes - Eurobest - Brand Experience & Activation - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - Eurobest - Digital Craft - Bronze
Snelweg Sprookjes - Cannes Lions - Mobile - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - Cannes Lions - Digital Craft - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - Cannes Lions - Entertainment - Silver
Adobe x Keith Haring - Eurobest - Film Craft - Bronze
Snelweg Sprookjes - Cannes Lions - Brand Experience & Activation - Silver 2X
Snelweg Sprookjes - Cannes Lions - Radio & Audio - Silver
DPA Adoptable Trends - Cannes Lions - Media - Silver
DPA Adoptable Trends - Cannes Lions - Cyber - Bronze
DPA Adoptable Trends - Cannes Lions - Brand Content & entertainment - Shortlist
Wehkamp ‘Always a Woman’ - Cannes Lions - Entertainment for Music - Shortlist
Adidas “Original is Never Finished”  - Entertainement for Music - Grand Prix
Adidas “Original is Never Finished”  - Film Craft -Bronze Lion

Other award wins

Snelweg Sprookjes - D&AD - Digital - Wood Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - D&AD - Digital - Graphite Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - D&AD - Radio & Audio - Graphite Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - D&AD - Digital Design - Graphite Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - D&AD - Experiential - Wood Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - One Show - Experiential & Immersive - Gold Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - One Show - Branded Entertainment - Bronze Pencil
Snelweg Sprookjes - Webby - Best Use of GPS or Location Technology
Snelweg Sprookjes - London International Awards - Brand Engagement - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - London International Awards - Digital - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - London International Awards - Branded Content - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - London International Awards - Radio & Audio - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - London International Awards - Innovative use of Radio & Audio - Silver
Snelweg Sprookjes - London International Awards - Creative Use of Data - Bronze
Snelweg Sprookjes - Clio Awards - Gold
Snelweg Sprookjes - Clio Awards - Bronze
Wehkamp ‘Always a Woman’ - ADCN - Craft Music - Silver Lamp
Adobe x Keith Haring - D&AD - Film Craft - Shortlist
Adidas “Original is Never Finished” - D&AD - Graphite Pencil (Digital Marketing)
Adidas “Original is Never Finished” Wood Pencil (Direct) - D&AD 2016